Alois Schlögl's publications:

Journal publications

Danker-Hopfe H, Kunz D, Gruber G, Klosch G, Lorenzo JL, Himanen SL, Kemp B, Penzel T, Roschke J, Dorn H, Schlögl A, Trenker E, Dorffner G.
Interrater reliability between scorers from eight European sleep laboratories in subjects with different sleep disorders.
J Sleep Res. 2004 Mar;13(1):63-69

Penzel T, Kemp B, Klösch G, Schlögl A, Hasan J, Varri A, Korhonen I.
Acquisition of biomedical signals databases
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2001, 20(3): 25-32
[Abstract]       [PDF Full-Text] 
Varri A, Kemp B, Penzel T, Schlögl A.
Standards for biomedical signal databases
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2001, 20(3): 33-37
[Abstract]       [PDF Full-Text]     
Klösch G, Kemp B, Penzel T, Schlögl A, Rappelsberger P, Trenker E, Gruber G, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu B, Herrmann WM, Himanen SL, Kunz D, Barbanoj MJ, Röschke J, Varri A, Dorffner G.
The SIESTA project polygraphic and clinical database
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2001, 20(3): 51-57
[Abstract]       [PDF Full-Text]
Rappelsberger P, Trenker E, Rothman C, Gruber G, Sykacek P, Roberts S, Klösch G, Zeitlhofer J, Anderer P, Saletu B, Schlögl A, Värri A, Kemp B, Penzel T, Herrmann WM, Hasan J, Barbanoj MJ, Kunz D, Dorffner G.
Das Projekt SIESTA
Klinische Neurophysiologie 2001, 32(2): 76-88

A. Schlögl, B. Kemp, T. Penzel, D. Kunz, S.-L. Himanen, A. Värri, G. Dorffner, G. Pfurtscheller.
Quality Control of polysomnographic Sleep Data by Histogram and Entropy Analysis.
Clin. Neurophysiol. 1999, Dec; 110(12): 2165 - 2170.
ScienceDirect PDF
Anderer P, Roberts SJ, Schlögl A, Gruber G, Klösch G, Herrmann W, Rappelsberger P, Filz O, Barbanoj MJ, Dorffner G, Saletu B.
Artifact Processing in Computerized Analysis of Sleep EEG - A Review.
Neuropsychobiology. 1999 Sep;40(3):150-157. 

Conference Proceedings

A. Schlögl, M. Woertz, and G. Pfurtscheller.
Describing the sleep EEG with an Adaptive Autoregressive Model
Proceedings  of the 15th Congress of the ESRS 12-16 Sep. 2000, J. Sleep Res (2000) 9, Supplement 1, p. 340.
poster pdf(450kB) - -  ps(1816kB) - - ps.gz(533kB)

G. Dorffner, P. Sykacek, S. Roberts, A. Schlögl, A. Värri, P. Rappelsberger, P. Anderer, G. Klösch, B. Saletu, MJ. Barbanoj, W. Herrmann, S.-L. Himanen, B. Kemp, T. Penzel, J. Röschke.
Continous sleep processes and subjective sleep quality - first results from the SIESTA project.
Proceedings  of the 15th Congress of the ESRS Istanbul 12-16 Sep. 2000, J. Sleep Res (2000) 9, Supplement 1. p. 55.

A. Schlögl, P. Anderer, M.-J. Barbanoj, G. Klösch, G. Gruber, J.L. Lorenzo, O. Filz, M. Koivuluoma, I. Rezek, S.J. Roberts, A. Värri, P. Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller, G. Dorffner
Artifact processing of the sleep EEG in the "SIESTA"-project,
Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part II, pp.1644-1645, 4-7. Nov. 1999, Vienna, Austria.
ps(146kB) - - ps.gz(43kB)

A. Schlögl, P. Anderer, S.J. Roberts, M. Pregenzer, G. Pfurtscheller.
Artefact detection in sleep EEG by the use of Kalman filtering.
Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part II, pp.1648-1649, 4-7. Nov. 1999, Vienna, Austria.
ps (182kB) - - ps.gz(58kB)

K. C. Harke, A. Schlögl, P. Anderer, G. Pfurtscheller (1999)
Cardiac field artifact in sleep EEG,
Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part I, pp.482-483, 4-7. Nov. 1999, Vienna, Austria.
ps(210kB) - - ps.gz(80kB)

M. Woertz, A.Schlögl, E. Trenker, P. Rappelsberger and G. Pfurtscheller (1999)
Spindel filter optimisation with receiver operating characteristics-curves,
Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part I, pp.480-481, 4-7. Nov. 1999, Vienna, Austria.
ps(202kB) - - ps.gz(62kB)
A. Schlögl, P. Anderer, M.-J. Barbanoj, G. Dorffner,  G. Gruber, G. Klösch, J.L. Lorenzo, P. Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller.
Artifacts in the sleep EEG - A database for the evaluation of automated processing methods.
Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the World Federation of Sleep Research Societies (WFSRS). Editors: H. Schulz. P.L. Parmeggiani, and M. Chase. Sleep Research Online 1999:2 (Supplement 1), p. 586.
3rd Int. Congress of WFSRS, 5-8 Oct. 1999, Dresden. * * Proceeding (zipped postscript 48k) * * Poster (zipped postscript 48k) * *

T. Penzel, G. Dorffner, S.L. Himanen, B. Kemp, A. Schlögl, S. Roberts, A. Värri, M. Barbanoj, W. Herrmann, P. Rappelsberger, B. Saletu, J. Zeitlhofer
ISCB-GMDS-99, Heidelberg, Germany, 14-17. Sep. 1999.

H. Ramoser, A. Schlögl, T. Penzel, M. Bickel, R. Conradt & G. Pfurtscheller
Unsupervised staging of Sleep EEG based in single channel Adaptive Autoregressive Parameters.
Proc. 14th Congress European Sleep Research Society ESRS'98 in Madrid.
Journal of Sleep Research 1998 7, Suppl.2 p.219 
A. Schlögl, M. Woertz , E. Trenker, P. Rappelsberger and G. Pfurtscheller (1998)
Automated detection of sleep spindels using a bayesian approach.
Proc. 14th Congress European Sleep Research Society ESRS'98 in Madrid.
Journal of Sleep Research 1998 7, Suppl.2 p.242 
A. Schlögl, T. Penzel, R. Conradt, H. Ramoser and G. Pfurtscheller (1998)
Analysis of Sleep EEG with Adaptive Autoregressive Parameters - Preliminary results.
Proc 9th European Conference of Clinical Neurophysiology Ljubljana, Slovenia June 3-7, 1998 - Electroenceph. and Clin.
Neurophys. 106:(Suppl. 1001) p. 28, 1998.
H. Ramoser, T. Penzel, M. Bickel, R. Conradt, A. Schlögl, and G. Pfurtscheller (1998)
Unsupervised classification of AAR parameters - preliminary results.
Proc 9th European Conference of Clinical Neurophysiology, Ljubljana, Slovenia June 3-7, 1998 - Electroenceph. and Clin.
Neurophys. 106:(Suppl. 1001) pp. 28-29, 1998.


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