photo of Stephanie Chan

Stephanie Chan

Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Am Campus 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria
Email: stephanie.chan[at]

I am a postdoc in the Browning Group at ISTA.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at SLMath (MSRI) in the Diophantine Geometry program from January to May 2023. Between August 2020 and December 2022, I was a postdoc at the University of Michigan. I completed my PhD at University College London in August 2020 under the supervision of Andrew Granville.

My main interest lies in number theory, in particular arithmetic statistics.

My profiles on [arXiv] [ORCID] [Google Scholar]

Publications and preprints

  1. Number fields generated by points in linear systems on curves (with Irmak Balçik, Yuan Liu, Bianca Viray). [arXiv:2503.07846]
  2. Solubility of a resultant equation and applications (with Tim Browning), submitted. [arXiv:2411.09264]
  3. Almost all elliptic curves with prescribed torsion have Szpiro ratio close to the expected value, submitted. [arXiv:2407.13850]
  4. 6-torsion and integral points on quartic threefolds (with Peter Koymans, Carlo Pagano, Efthymios Sofos), Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), to appear. [arXiv:2403.13359]
  5. Averages of multiplicative functions along equidistributed sequences (with Peter Koymans, Carlo Pagano, Efthymios Sofos), J. Number Theory, to appear. [arXiv:2402.08710]
  6. Almost all quadratic twists of an elliptic curve have no integral points (with Tim Browning), submitted. [arXiv:2401.04375]
  7. The 3-isogeny Seller groups of the elliptic curves y²=x³+n², Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2024), no. 9, 7571–7593. [arXiv:2211.06062]
  8. Integral points on cubic twists of Mordell curves, Math. Ann. 388 (2024), 2275–2288. [arXiv:2203.11366]
  9. The average number of integral points on the congruent number curves, Adv. Math. 457 (2024), Paper No. 109946. [arXiv:2112.01615]
  10. A density of ramified primes (with Christine McMeekin, Djordjo Milovic), Res. Number Theory 8 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 1. [arXiv:2005.10188]
  11. Integral points on the congruent number curve, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 375 (2022), no. 9, 6675–6700. [arXiv:2004.03331]
  12. The 8-rank of the narrow class group and the negative Pell equation (with Peter Koymans, Djordjo Milovic, Carlo Pagano), Forum Math. Sigma 10 (2022), Paper No. e46. [arXiv:1908.01752]
  13. Kuroda's formula and arithmetic statistics (with Djordjo Milovic), Math. Z. 300 (2022), no. 2, 1509–1527. [arXiv:1905.09745]
  14. Ranks, 2-Selmer groups, and Tamagawa numbers of elliptic curves with ℤ/2ℤ×ℤ/8ℤ-torsion (with Jeroen Hanselman, Wanlin Li), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 173–189, Open Book Ser., 2, Math. Sci. Publ., Berkeley, CA, 2019. [arXiv:1805.10709]
  15. Rational right triangles of a given area, Amer. Math. Monthly 125 (2018), no. 8, 689–703. [arXiv:1706.05919]