Adaptive Autoregressive Model of the EEG
(applied to BCI or single trial EEG analysis)
WebSPIRS search term (otherwise publications of another author
'schlogl-a' are listed:
((autoregressive) or (EEG))
and (((schlogl-a) or (schloegl-a)) in AU)
Journal publications
Pfurtscheller G, Neuper C, Guger C, Harkam W, Ramoser H, Schlögl
A, Obermaier B, Pregenzer M.
Current trends in Graz Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research.
IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng. 2000 Jun;8(2):216-9.
C. Neuper, A. Schlögl, G. Pfurtscheller.
Enhancement of left-right sensorimotor EEG differences during feedback-regulated
motor imagery.
J Clin Neurophysiol. 1999 Jul;16(4):373-82.
Guger C, Schlögl A, Walterspacher D, Pfurtscheller G,
Design of an EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI) from standard
components running in real-time under Windows.
Biomed Tech (Berl). 1999 Jan-Feb;44(1-2):12-6.
Pfurtscheller G, Neuper C, Schlögl A, Lugger K.
Separability of EEG signals recorded during right and left motor imagery
using adaptive autoregressive parameters.
IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng. 1998 Sep;6(3):316-25.
K. Lugger, D. Flotzinger, A. Schlögl, M. Pregenzer and
G. Pfurtscheller.
Feature extraction for online EEG classification using principal components
and linear discriminats.
Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 1998, 36, 309-314.
A. Schlögl, D. Flotzinger and G. Pfurtscheller (1997)
Adaptive Autoregressive Modeling used for Single-trial EEG Classification
Biomedizinische Technik 42: (1997), 162-167.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
A. Schlögl, S.J. Roberts, G. Pfurtscheller,
A criterion for adaptive autoregressive models
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Jul.
23-28, 2000, Chicago.
Short Paper pdf
A. Schlögl,
Estimating Adaptive Autoregressive Parameters of Biosignals,
Third IEEE/EMBS international
summer school on biomedical signal processing - advanced biomedical
signal processing for clinical application and medical decision making,
Certosa di Pontignano, University of Siena, Italy, 27th June-4th July,
Foto: explaining
the poster to Prof. Principe
A. Schlögl and G. Pfurtscheller (1998)
Considerations on Adaptive Autoregressive Modelling in EEG Analysis,
Proc. of First International Sysmposium on Communication Systems
and Digital Signal Processing CSDSP'98, ISBN 0-86339-7719 Sheffield,
UK 6-8. April 1998, pp.367-370.
(Postscript 41kB) * Paper
(Postscript 195kB)
A. Schloegl, C. Neuper and G. Pfurtscheller (1997)
Subject-specific EEG pattern during motor imagery
19th International Conference IEEE/EMBS, pp.1530-1532, Chicago.
(Postscript) (215kB) * Zipped
PS (35kB) * PDF
A. Schloegl, K. Lugger and G. Pfurtscheller (1997)
Using Adaptive Autoregressive Parameters for a Brain-Computer-Interface
19th International Conference IEEE/EMBS, pp.1533-1535, Chicago.
(Postscript) (198kB) * Zipped
PS (31kB) * PDF
A. Schlögl, B. Schack, G. Florian, K. Lugger, M. Pregenzer
and G. Pfurtscheller,
Classification of Single trial EEG: A comparison of different parameters.
in Qualitative and Topological EEG and MEG analysis - Proc.
Third Int Hans Berger Congress, eds. H. Witte, U. Zwiener, B. Schack,
A. Doering; Druckhaus Mayer, Jena, pp. 266-268, 1996.
(97kB) Poster
A. Schlögl, G. Pfurtscheller, B. Schack (1996)
Proceedings of 4th International Symposiun on Central Nervous Monitoring,
September 5-7, 1996, Gmunden - Austria.
(23 kB) Paper
(99 kB)
A. Schloegl, Dynamic spectral analysis based on an Autoregressive
Model with time-varying coefficients, presented at 17th
Int. Conf. IEEE/EMBS, Montreal, vol.2, p.881-2, 1995(a).
(pdf 119kB)
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* * Dept. of Medical Informatics
* * Graz University of Technology