Alois Schlögl's publications:

(Hirsch index 36 (Scopus), 48 (ResearchGate) as of Sep 2021

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Book(s) and book chapters.

A. Schlögl, C. Vidaurre, K.-R. Müller
Adaptive Methods in BCI Research - An Introductory Tutorial.
(Eds.) B. Graimann, B. Allison, G. Pfurtscheller.
in "Brain Computer Interfaces - Revolutionizing Human-Computer Interfaces" Springer, 2010, p. 331-355.

A. Schlögl, G. Supp.
Analyzing event-related EEG data with multivariate autoregressive parameters.
(Eds.) C. Neuper and W. Klimesch, Progress in Brain Research: Event-related Dynamics of Brain Oscillations. Analysis of dynamics of brain oscillations: methodological advances. Elsevier.
Progress in Brain Research 159, 2006, p. 135 - 147

A. Schlögl, C. Brunner, R. Scherer, A. Glatz;
BioSig - an open source software library for BCI research.
(Eds.) G. Dornhege, J.R. Millan, T. Hinterberger, D.J. McFarland, K.-R. Müller;
Towards Brain-Computer Interfacing, MIT Press, 2007, p.347-358.

A. Schlögl, J. Kronegg, J.E. Huggins, S. G. Mason;
Evaluation criteria in BCI research.
(Eds.) G. Dornhege, J.R. Millan, T. Hinterberger, D.J. McFarland, K.-R.Müller;
Towards Brain-Computer Interfacing, MIT Press, 2007, p.327-342

G. Pfurtscheller, G.R.Müller-Putz, A. Schlögl, G. Graimann, R. Scherer, R. Leeb, C. Brunner, C. Keinrath, G. Townsend, C. Vidaurre, M. Naeem, F.Y.Lee S. Wriessnegger, D. Zimmermann, E. Höfler and C. Neuper
Graz-Brain-Computer Interface - State of Research
(Eds.) G. Dornhege, J.R. Millan, T. Hinterberger, D.J. McFarland, K.-R.Müller;
Towards Brain-Computer Interfacing, MIT Press, 2007, p.65-84

J.R.Millan, A. Buttfield, C. Vidaurre, M. Krauledat, A. Schlögl, P. Shenoy, B. Blankertz, R.P.N. Rao, R. Cabeza, G. Pfurtscheller, K.-R. Müller
Adaptation in Brain-Computer Interfaces.
(Eds.) G. Dornhege, J.R. Millan, T. Hinterberger, D.J. McFarland, K.-R.Müller;
Towards Brain-Computer Interfacing, MIT Press, 2007, p.303-325

A. Schlögl, J. Kiss, S. Elefante, eds.,
Austrian High-Performance-Computing Meeting (AHPC2020),
IST Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria, 2020. Download - Booklet

A. Schlögl
Zur Bedeutung von Bildern - Überlegungen aus der Perspektive der Neuroinformatik.
Elize Bisanz (Hg.)
in "Das Bild zwischen Kognition und Kreativität - Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zum bildhaften Denken."
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2011

Alois Schlögl (2000)
The electroencephalogram and the adaptive autoregressive model: theory and applications
Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany,(ISBN3-8265-7640-3).
order from
short presentation * * Table of Content (*.ps 106kB)

Journal Publications

S. Jose Guzman, Alois Schlögl, Claudia Espinoza, Xiaomin Zhang, Benjamin A. Suter, and Peter Jonas
How connectivity rules and synaptic properties shape the efficacy of pattern separation in the entorhinal cortex-dentate gyrus-CA3 network.
Nat Comput Sci 1, 830-842 (2021).
Online Download

Paul Rubel, Jocelyne Fayn, Peter W. Macfarlane, Danilo Pani, Alois Schlögl, and Alpo Värri
The History and Challenges of SCP-ECG: The Standard Communication Protocol for Computer-Assisted Electrocardiography
Hearts 2021,2,pp.384-409. @mdpi @local

Xiaomin Zhang, Alois Schlögl, David Vandael, and Peter Jonas
MOD: A novel machine-learning optimal-filtering method for accurate and efficient detection of subthreshold synaptic events in vivo.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 357, 1 June 2021, 109125.
here and supplement

Xiaomin Zhang, Alois Schlögl, Peter Jonas
Selective Routing of Spatial Information Flow from Input to Output in Hippocampal Granule Cells, Neuron, 2020.

Jose Guzman, Alois Schlögl, Michael Frotscher, Peter Jonas
Synaptic mechanisms of pattern completion in the hippocampal CA3 network.
Science 09 Sep 2016: Vol. 353, Issue 6304, pp. 1117-1123
DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf1836
available online:
Full Paper Supplement

Jose Guzman, Alois Schlögl, Christoph Schmidt-Hieber
Stimfit: quantifying electrophysiological data with Python.
Front. Neuroinform. 8:16, 2014
available online: doi: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00016
Full Paper

Christof Körner, Verena Braunstein, Matthias Stangl, Alois Schlögl, Christa Neuper, and Anja Ischebeck
Sequential Effects in Continued Visual Search: Using Fixation-related Potentials to Compare Distractor Processing Before and After Target Detection.
Psychophysiology, Volume 51, Issue 4, April 2014, Pages 385-395.
online download

Alejandro Javier Pernía-Andrade, Sarit Pati Goswami, Yvonne Stickler, Ulrich Fröbe, Alois Schlögl and Peter Jonas
A Deconvolution-Based Method with High Sensitivity and Temporal Resolution for Detection of Spontaneous Synaptic Currents In Vitro and In Vivo
Biophysical Journal, Volume 103, Issue 7, 1429-1439, 3 October 2012
@Cell @doi @IST Supplementary Material

S. Schaller, P. Anderer, G. Dorffner, G. Klosch, I.H. Machatschke, A. Schlögl, and J. Zeitlhofer
Autonomic Dysfunction in PD During Sleep
Movement Disorders, 27(3) p.454, March 2012
Published online in Wiley Online Library (
Paper Print

C. Vidaurre, T.H. Sander, A. Schlögl
BioSig: The Free and Open Source Software Library for Biomedical Signal Processing.
Computational intelligence and neuroscience (2011) Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 935364, 12 pages
Paper Preprint

Hörzer, G. M.; Liebe, S.; Schlögl, A.; Logothetis, N.; Rainer, G.
Directed coupling in local field potentials of Macaque V4 during visual short-term memory revealed by multivariate autoregressive models.
Frontiers in computational neuroscience [Elektronische Ressource] (2010) pp. 1 - 13
@publisher here

Sander T.H., Knosche T.R., Schlögl A., Kohl F., Wolters C.H., Haueisen J. and Lutz Trahms L.
Recent advances in modeling and analysis of bioelectric and biomagnetic sources.
Biomed Tech 2010; 55:65–76. @publisher here

Vidaurre, C., Krämer, N., Blankertz, B., Schlögl, A
Time Domain Parameters as a feature for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces
Neural Networks Volume 22, Issue 9, November 2009, Pages 1313-1319. @publisher local copy

A. Schlögl, A. Ziehe, K.-R. Müller (2009)
Automated ocular artifact removal: comparing regression and component-based methods
Nature Precedings PrePrint

Schlögl A., Brunner C.
BioSig: A Free and Open Source Software Library for BCI Research,
Computer, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 44-50, October, 2008.
Computer local

Nolte, G.; Ziehe, A.; Niculin, V.; Schlögl, A.; Krämer, N.; Brismar, T.; Müller, K.-R.
Robustly Estimating the Flow Direction of Information in Complex Physical Systems.
Physical review letters 100 (2008) 23410 , S. 234101-1 - 234101-4

Scherer, R.; Lee, F. Y.; Schlögl, A.; Leeb, R.; Bischof, H.; Pfurtscheller, G.
Towards Self-Paced Brain-Computer Communication: Navigation through Virtual Worlds.
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 55 (2008) 2 , S. 675 - 682

A. Schlögl, C. Keinrath, D. Zimmermann, R. Scherer, R. Leeb, G. Pfurtscheller.
A fully automated correction method of EOG artifacts in EEG recordings.
Clin.Neurophys. 2007 Jan;118(1):98-104. Epub 2006 Nov 7 Paper(pdf)

Supp, G. .; Schlögl, A.; Trujillo-Barreto, N.; Müller, M. M.; Gruber, T
Directed Cortical Information Flow during Human Object Recognition: Analyzing Induced EEG Gamma-Band Responses in Brains source Space.
PLoS ONE [Elektronische Ressource] 2 (2007) 8, S. e684 - e684

Scherer R, Schlögl A, Lee F, Bischof H, Jansa J, Pfurtscheller G.
The self-paced graz brain-computer interface: methods and applications.
Comput Intell Neurosci. 2007:79826.
@publisher here

Vidaurre, C.; Schlögl, A.; Scherer, R.; Cabeza, R.; Pfurtscheller, G.
Study of discriminant analysis applied to motor imagery bipolar data.
Medical & biological engineering & computing 45 (2007) 1, S. 61 - 68

Vidaurre, C.; Schlögl, A.; Cabeza, R.; Scherer, R.; Pfurtscheller, G.
Study of on-line adaptive discriminant analysis for EEG-based brain computer interfaces.
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 54 (2007)

Comparison of Multivariate Autoregressive Estimators.
Signal processing (2006), p. 2426-9.
Preprint Published

Pfurtscheller G, Brunner C, Schlögl A, Lopes da Silva FH.
Mu rhythm (de)synchronization and EEG single-trial classification of different motor imagery tasks.
Neuroimage.2006 Jan 26;

Vidaurre, C.; Schlögl, A.; Cabeza, R.; Scherer, R.; Pfurtscheller, G.:
A fully on-line adaptive BCI.
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 53 (2006) 6 , S. 1214 - 1219

McFarland, D.; Anderson, C. W.; Müller, K.-R.; Schlögl, A.; Krusienski, D. J.:
BCI Meeting 2005 - Workshop on BCI Signal Processing: Feature Extraction and Translation.
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 14 (2006) 2, S. 135 - 138

Blankertz, B.; Müller, K.-R.; Krusienski, D. J.; Schalk, G.; Wolpaw, J. R.; Schlögl, A.; Pfurtscheller, G.; Millan, J. D.; Schröder, M.; Birbaumer, N.:
The BCI Competition III: Validating Alternative Approaches to Actual BCI Problems.
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 14 (2006) 2, S. 153 - 159

Pfurtscheller, G.; Müller-Putz, G.; Schlögl, A.; Graimann, B.; Scherer, R.; Leeb, R.; Brunner, C.; Keinrath, C.; Lee, F. Y.; Townsend, G.; Vidaurre, C.; Neuper, C.:
15 years of BCI research at Graz University of Technology: current projects.
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 14 (2006) , S. 205 - 210

Vidaurre C, Schlögl A, Cabeza R, Scherer R, Pfurtscheller G. Adaptive on-line classification for EEG-based brain computer interfaces with AAR parameters and band power estimates. Biomed Tech (Berl). 2005 Nov;50(11):350-4.

Schlögl A, Lee FY, Bischof H, Pfurtscheller G
Characterization of Four-Class Motor Imagery EEG Data for the BCI-Competition 2005.
Journal of neural engineering 2 (2005) 4, S. L14-L22
[PDF Full-Text]

Gratze G, Rudnicki R, Urban W, Mayer H, Schlögl A, Skrabal F.
Hemodynamic and autonomic changes induced by Ironman: prediction of competition time by blood pressure variability.
J Appl Physiol. 2005 Nov;99(5):1728-35. Epub 2005 Jul 7.

Anderer P, Gruber G, Parapatics S, Woertz M, Miazhynskaia T, Klösch G, Saletu B, Zeitlhofer J, Barbanoj M J, Hopfer-Danke H, Himanen S.-L., Kemp B, Penzel T, Grötzinger M, Kunz D, Rappelsberger P, Schlögl A, Dorffner G.
An E-health solution for automatic sleep classification according to Rechtschaffen and Kales: validation study of the Somnolyzer 24 x 7 utilizing the Siesta database.
Neuropsychobiology 51 (2005) 3, S. 115-33

Supp G, Schlögl A, Fiebach C J, Gunter T C, Vigliocco G, Pfurtscheller G, Petsche H.
Semantic memory retrieval: cortical couplings in object recognition in the N400 window.
European journal of neuroscience 21 (2005) 4, S. 1139-1143

Supp G, Schlögl A, Gunter T C, Bernard M, Pfurtscheller G, Petsche H.
Lexical memory search during N400: cortical couplings in auditory comprehension.
Neuroreport 15 (2004) 7, S. 1209-1213

Blankertz B, Müller K.-R., Curio G, Vaughan T. M., Schalk G., Wolpaw J. R., Schlögl A., Neuper C., Pfurtscheller G., Hinterberger T., Schröder M., Birbaumer N.
The BCI Competition 2003: progress and perspectives in detection and discrimination of EEG single trials.
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 51 (2004) 6, S. 1044-51

Danker-Hopfe H, Kunz D, Gruber G, Klosch G, Lorenzo JL, Himanen SL, Kemp B, Penzel T, Roschke J, Dorn H, Schlögl A, Trenker E, Dorffner G.
Interrater reliability between scorers from eight European sleep laboratories in subjects with different sleep disorders.
J Sleep Res. 2004 Mar;13(1):63-69.

Graimann B, Huggins JE, Schlögl A, Levine SP, Pfurtscheller G.
Detection of movement-related desynchronization patterns in ongoing single-channel electrocorticogram.
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2003 Sep;11(3):276-81.

Pfurtscheller G, Neuper C, Muller GR, Obermaier B, Krausz G, Schlögl A, Scherer R, Graimann B, Keinrath C, Skliris D, Wortz M, Supp G, Schrank C.
Graz-BCI: state of the art and clinical applications.
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2003 Jun;11(2):177-80.

Schlögl A., Neuper C. Pfurtscheller G.
Estimating the mutual information of an EEG-based Brain-Computer-Interface.
Biomedizinische Technik 47(1-2): 3-8, 2002.

Penzel T, Kemp B, Klösch G, Schlögl A, Hasan J, Varri A, Korhonen I.
Acquisition of biomedical signals databases.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2001, 20(3): 25-32
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text]

Varri A, Kemp B, Penzel T, Schlögl A.
Standards for biomedical signal databases
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2001, 20(3): 33-37
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text]

Klösch G, Kemp B,Penzel T, Schlögl A, Rappelsberger P, Trenker E, Gruber G, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu B, Herrmann WM, Himanen SL, Kunz D, Barbanoj MJ, Röschke J, Varri A, Dorffner G.
The SIESTA project polygraphic and clinical database
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2001, 20(3): 51-57
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text]

Rappelsberger P, Trenker E, Rothman C, Gruber G, Sykacek P, Roberts S, Klösch G, Zeitlhofer J, Anderer P, Saletu B, Schlögl A, Värri A, Kemp B, Penzel T, Herrmann WM, Hasan J, Barbanoj MJ, Kunz D, Dorffner G.
Das Projekt SIESTA
Klinische Neurophysiologie 2001, 32(2): 76-88

G. Pfurtscheller, Obermaier-B, Muller-G, Guger C, Schlögl A, Neuper C
Direct Brain-Computer Communication
OEGAI Journal 2001 Mar;20(2):16-18.

Guger C, Schlögl A, Neuper C, Walterspacher D, Strein T.and Pfurtscheller G.
Rapid Prototyping of an EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)
IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng. 2001 Mar;9(1):49-58.
Abstract - - Paper

Pfurtscheller G, Neuper C, Guger C, Harkam W, Ramoser H, Schlögl A, Obermaier B, Pregenzer M.
Current trends in Graz Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research.
IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng. 2000 Jun;8(2):216-9.
Abstract - - Paper

A. Schlögl, B. Kemp, T. Penzel, D. Kunz, S.-L. Himanen, A. Värri, G. Dorffner, G. Pfurtscheller.
Quality Control of polysomnographic Sleep Data by Histogram and Entropy Analysis.
Clin. Neurophysiol. 1999, Dec; 110(12): 2165 - 2170.
ScienceDirect PDF Paper(pdf)

Anderer P, Roberts SJ, Schlögl A, Gruber G, KloschG,Herrmann W, Rappelsberger P, Filz O, Barbanoj MJ, Dorffner G, Saletu B.
Artifact Processing in Computerized Analysis of Sleep EEG - A Review.
Neuropsychobiology 1999 Sep;40(3):150-157.
Abstract paper

C. Neuper, A. Schlögl, G. Pfurtscheller.
Enhancement of left-right sensorimotor EEG differences during feedback-regulated motor imagery.
J Clin Neurophysiol 1999 Jul;16(4):373-82.

Guger C, Schlögl A, Walterspacher D, Pfurtscheller G,
Design of an EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI) from standardcomponents running in real-time under Windows.
Biomed Tech (Berl). 1999 Jan-Feb;44(1-2):12-6.

Pfurtscheller G, Neuper C, Schlögl A, Lugger K.
Separability of EEG signals recorded during right and left motor imagery using adaptive autoregressive parameters.
IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng. 1998 Sep;6(3):316-25.
Abstract - - Paper

K. Lugger, D. Flotzinger, A. Schlögl, M. Pregenzer and G. Pfurtscheller.
Feature extraction for online EEG classification using principal components and linear discriminats.
Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 1998, 36, 309-314. Online Paper

A. Schlögl, D. Flotzinger and G. Pfurtscheller (1997)
Adaptive Autoregressive Modeling used for Single-trial EEG Classification
Biomedizinische Technik 42: (1997), 162-167. Paper

Abstracts and conference proceedings

Alois Schlögl, Andrei Hornoiu, Stefano Elefante, Stephan Stadlbauer
Where is the sweet spot? - A procurement story of general purpose compute nodes.
Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2022 - ASHPC22, Grundlsee, May 31 - June 2, 2022, p.7

Alois Schlögl, Janos Kiss, Stefano Elefante
Is Debian suitable for running an HPC Cluster ?
Austrian High-Performance Computing meeting AHPC19, Grundlsee, Austria, 25th-27th Feb 2019.

Paul Rubel*, Danilo Pani, Alois Schloegl, Jocelyne Fayn, Fabio Badilini, Peter Macfarlane and Alpo Varri
SCP-ECG V3.0: An enhanced Standard Communication Protocol for computer-assisted Electrocardiography.
Computers in Cardiology Conference ; 2016 (2016)

Alois Schlögl, Peter Jonas, Christoph Schmidt-Hieber, and Jose Guzman
Stimfit: A Fast Visualization and Analysis Environment for Cellular Neurophysiology
September 2013
Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering 58
DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2013-4181

Schlögl, A.
An overview on data formats for biomedical signals.
- in: Image Processing, Biosignal Processing, Modelling and Simulation, Biomechanics (2009), S. 1557 - 1560
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering; 2009.

Mehrdad Fatourechi, Rabab K. Ward, Steven G. Mason, Jane Huggins, Alois Schlögl, and Gary E. Birch
Comparison of Evaluation Metrics in Classification Applications with Imbalanced Datasets
2008 Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
DOI 10.1109/ICMLA.2008.34

Schlögl, A.; Vidaurre, C.; Hofer, E.; Wiener, T.; Brunner, C.; Scherer, R.; Chiarugi, F
BIOSIG - Standardization and quality control in biomedical signal processing using the BioSig project.
BIOSTEC - The International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies . (2008), S. 403 - 409

Scherer, R.; Lee, F. Y.; Schlögl, A.; Leeb, R.; Bischof, H.; Pfurtscheller, G
EEG-based interaction with virtual worlds: A self-paced three class Brain-Computer Interface.
Workshop of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology ACE 2007 BrainPlay'07: Playing with Your Brain, Brain-Computer Interfaces and Games. (2007), S. 45 - 48

Schlögl, A
Epileptic Seizure Prediction and the Open Source Software BioSig.
Third International Workshop on Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy. (2007), p. 27

Schlögl, A.; Chiarugi, F.; Cervesato, E.; Apostolopoulos, E.; Chronaki, C
Two-Way Converter between the HL7 aECG and SCP-ECG Data Formats Using BioSig.
Computers in Cardiology Conference ; 2007 (2007), S. 253 - 256

Vidaurre, C.; Villanueva, A.; Scherer, R.; Joos, M.; Schlögl, A.; Pannasch , S.; Cabeza, R
Multi-modal interface: Gaze-EEG-based system.
Proceedings of COGAIN 2006 'Gazing into the Future'. (2006), S. 50 - 54

Scherer, R.; Pfurtscheller, G.; Schlögl
Online detection and reduction of electrooculographic (EOG) and electromyographic (EMG) artifacts.
Proceedings der Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen, der Öerreichischen und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Biomedizinische Technik . (2006), S. 1 - 2

Vidaurre, C.; Cabeza, R.; Schlögl, A
Single trial Analysis for On-line adaptive cue-based BCI's.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Brain-Computer Workshop and Training Course 2006. (2006), S. 000 - 000

Scherer, R.; Schlögl, A.; Pfurtscheller, G
Towards a 3 class anychronous BCI.
Proceedings of the Third International Meeting. (2005), S. 103 - 103

Schlögl, A.
Workshop B: Evaluation criteria or Quantifying the information content of BCI feedback.
BCI 2005 Workshop, Rensellarville, NY, USA, 14-19 Jun 2005.
Presentation and Summary

Schlögl, A.; Vidaurre, C.; Pfurtscheller, G.:
Assessing Nonstationarities in BCI data.
BCI 2005 Workshop, Rensellarville, NY, USA, 14-19 Jun 2005.
Poster (PDF)

Vidaurre, C.; Schlögl, A.; Cabeza, R.:
Adaptive Online Statistical Classifiers for BCI's.
BCI 2005 Workshop, Rensellarville, NY, USA, 14-19 Jun 2005.

Schlögl, A.; Müller, G.; Scherer, R.; Pfurtscheller, G.:
BIOSIG - an Open Source Software Package for biomedical Signal Processing.
2nd OpenECG Workshop, p. 13. Berlin, Germany, 1-3 April, 2004.
Paper (PDF)

Schlögl, A.:
SCP-Converter for Octave and Matlab.
Proc. of 2nd OpenECG Workshop, p. 39. Berlin, Germany, 1-3 April, 2004.

Scherer, R.; Lee, F. Y.; Leeb, R.; Schlögl, A.; Neuper, C.; Keinrath, C.; Reitinger, B.; Bischof, H.; Pfurtscheller, G.:
Virtual Reality and Pattern Recognition in Brain-Computer Interface-Research.. - in: Proceedings of the 9th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. (2004) S. 109-118

Huggins,J.E.; Levine,S.P.; Fessler,J.A.; Sowers,W.M.; Pfurtscheller,G.; Graimann,B.; Schloegl,A.; Minecan,D.N.; Kushwaha,R.K.; BeMent,S.L.; Sagher,O.; Schuh,L.A .
Electrocorticogram as the basis for a direct brain interface: Opportunities for improved detection accuracy.
Proceedings of the 1st International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Capri, Italy, Mar 20-22, 2003. 2003: 587-90.

A. Schlögl, C. Keinrath, R. Scherer, G. Pfurtscheller,
Information transfer of an EEG-based Bran-computer interface.
Proceedings of the 1st International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Capri, Italy, Mar 20-22, 2003.
short paper

A Schlögl, M Slater, G Pfurtscheller
Presence research and EEG.
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Presence 1, Oct 9-11, 2002.

A. Schlögl
The Graz BCI: Signal processing, classification and validation.
1st BCI Training Course, Graz, Austria, Sept 27 - 28, 2002

A. Schlögl, G. Müller, C. Neuper, G. Krausz, G. Graimann, G. Pfurtscheller
Adaptive Autoregressive Parameters in BCI research.
NIPS 2001, Brain Computer Interface Workshop, Whistler, BC, Canada. 7. Dec. 2001
short paper

A. Schlögl , J. Fortin, W. Habenbacher, M. Akay.
Adaptive mean and trend removal of heart rate variability using Kalman filtering
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 25-28 Oct. 2001, Paper #1383, ISBN 0-7803-7213-1.
Short Paper pdf(283kB) pdf pdf(283kB)

A. Schlögl , M. Woertz, and G. Pfurtscheller.
Describing the sleep EEG with an Adaptive Autoregressive Model
Proceedings  of the 15th Congress of the ESRS 12-16 Sep. 2000,J.Sleep Res (2000) 9, Supplement 1, p. 340.
poster pdf(450kB) - - ps(1816kB) -- ps.gz(533kB)

G. Dorffner, P. Sykacek, S. Roberts, A. Schlögl, A. Värri, P. Rappelsberger, P. Anderer, G. Klösch, B. Saletu, MJ. Barbanoj,W.Herrmann, S.-L. Himanen, B. Kemp, T. Penzel, J. Röschke.
Continous sleep processes and subjective sleep quality - first resultsfrom the SIESTA project.
Proceedings of the 15th Congress of the ESRS Istanbul 12-16 Sep.2000, J. Sleep Res (2000) 9, Supplement 1. p. 55.

A. Schlögl, S.J. Roberts, G. Pfurtscheller,
A criterion for adaptive autoregressive models
Digest of the Papers of the 2000 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering the Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society ; No 4784-79866, 2000.
Short Paper pdf(55kb) -- short presentation

A. Schlögl , G. Klösch, W. Koele, J. Zeitlhofer, P.Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller
Qualitätskontrolle von Biosignalen,
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für KlinischeNeurophysiologie, 27. Nov. 1999, Vienna.
ps(deutsch) - - ps(english)
The presentation is also available at /~schloegl/lectures/Q/index.htm

A. Schlögl, P. Anderer, M.-J. Barbanoj, G. Klösch,G. Gruber, J.L. Lorenzo, O. Filz, M. Koivuluoma, I. Rezek, S.J. Roberts,A. Värri, P. Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller, G. Dorffner
Artifact processing of the sleep EEG in the "SIESTA"-project,
Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part II, pp.1644-1645, 4-7. Nov. 1999,Vienna, Austria.
ps(146kB) - - ps.gz(43kB)

A. Schlögl, P. Anderer, S.J. Roberts, M. Pregenzer, G.Pfurtscheller.
Artefact detection in sleep EEG by the use of Kalman filtering.
Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part II, pp.1648-1649, 4-7. Nov. 1999,Vienna, Austria.
ps(182kB) - - ps.gz(58kB)

K. C. Harke, A. Schlögl, P. Anderer, G. Pfurtscheller (1999)
Cardiac field artifact in sleep EEG,
Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part I, pp.482-483, 4-7. Nov. 1999, Vienna,Austria.
ps(210kB) - - ps.gz(80kB)

M. Woertz, A.Schlögl, E. Trenker, P. Rappelsberger andG.Pfurtscheller (1999)
Spindel filter optimisation with receiver operating characteristics-curves,
Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part I, pp.480-481, 4-7. Nov. 1999, Vienna,Austria.
ps(202kB) - - ps.gz(62kB)

S.J. Roberts, R. Everson, I. Rezek, P. Anderer, A. Schlögl
Tracking ICA for EEG Eye Movement Artifact Removal,
Proceedings EMBEC'99 ,Part II, pp.1646-1647, 4-7. Nov. 1999, Vienna, Austria.

A. Schlögl, P. Anderer, M.-J. Barbanoj, G. Dorffner, G. Gruber, G. Klösch, J.L. Lorenzo, P. Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller.
Artifacts in the sleep EEG - A database for the evaluation of automatedprocessing methods.
Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the World Federation of Sleep Research Societies (WFSRS). Editors: H. Schulz. P.L. Parmeggiani, and M. Chase. Sleep Research Online 1999:2 (Supplement 1), p. 586.
3rd Int. Congress of WFSRS, 5-8 Oct. 1999, Dresden. * * Proceeding (zipped postscript 48k) * * Poster (zipped postscript 48k) * *

T. Penzel, G. Dorffner, S.L. Himanen, B. Kemp, A. Schlögl, S. Roberts, A. Värri, M. Barbanoj, W. Herrmann, P. Rappelsberger,B.Saletu, J. Zeitlhofer.
A multi-center study to develop a new standard of computer-based sleepanalysis.
Proc. ISCB-GMDS-99 , Heidelberg, Germany, 14-17. Sep. 1999.

A. Schlögl,
Estimating Adaptive Autoregressive Parameters of Biosignals,
Third IEEE/EMBS international summer school on biomedical signal processing - advanced biomedical signal processing for clinical application and medical decision making, Certosa di Pontignano, University of Siena, Italy, 27th June-4th July,1999.
Poster (pdf, 371kB)

C. Neuper, C. Guger, E. Haselsteiner, B. Obermaier, M. Pregenzer, H.Ramoser, A. Schlögl, and G. Pfurtscheller,
Current trends in Graz brain-computer interface (BCI) research
BCI Technology: Theory and Practice, First International Meeting, Rensselaerville, USA, June 16-20, 1999.

A. Schlögl , O. Filz, H. Ramoser and G. Pfurtscheller.
A general data format for biosignals.
Technical Report, Department for Medical Informatics, University ofTechnology Graz. (1998)

H. Ramoser, A. Schlögl, T. Penzel, M. Bickel, R. Conradt& G. Pfurtscheller
Unsupervised staging of Sleep EEG based in single channel AdaptiveAutoregressive Parameters.
Proc. 14th Congress European Sleep Research Society ESRS'98 in Madrid.
Journal of Sleep Research 1998 7, Suppl.2 p.219

A. Schlögl, M. Woertz , E. Trenker, P. Rappelsberger and G. Pfurtscheller (1998)
Automated detection of sleep spindels using a bayesian approach.
Proc. 14th Congress European Sleep Research Society ESRS'98 in Madrid.
Journal of Sleep Research 1998 7, Suppl.2 p.242

A. Schlögl, T. Penzel, R. Conradt, H. Ramoser and G. Pfurtscheller (1998)
Analysis of Sleep EEG with Adaptive Autoregressive Parameters - Preliminary results.
Proc 9th European Conference of Clinical Neurophysiology Ljubljana,Slovenia June 3-7, 1998 - Electroenceph. and Clin.
Neurophys . 106:(Suppl. 1001) p. 28, 1998.

H. Ramoser, T. Penzel, M. Bickel, R. Conradt, A. Schlögl, and G. Pfurtscheller (1998)
Unsupervised classification of AAR parameters - preliminary results.
Proc 9th European Conference of Clinical Neurophysiology, Ljubljana,Slovenia June 3-7, 1998 - Electroenceph. and Clin.
Neurophys . 106:(Suppl. 1001) pp. 28-29, 1998.

A. Schlögl, B. Kemp and G. Pfurtscheller (1998)
Parametric Models in EEG Analysis - analogies between autoregressiveand Kemp's Model
Proc. 9th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology Ljubljana,Slovenia June 3-7, 1998 - Electroenceph. and Clin.
Neurophys. 106:(Suppl. 1001) p. 40, 1998.

A. Schlögl and G. Pfurtscheller (1998)
Considerations on Adaptive Autoregressive Modelling in EEG Analysis,
Proc. of First International Sysmposium on Communication Systemsand Digital Signal Processing CSDSP'98, ISBN 0-86339-7719 Sheffield,UK 6-8. April 1998, pp.367-370.
Abstract(Postscript 41kB) * Paper (pdf 41kB)

A. Schlögl, C. Neuper and G. Pfurtscheller (1997)
Subject-specific EEG pattern during motor imagery
Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference if the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society , vol 19, pp.1530-1532, 1997.
Paper (Postscript) (215kB) * ZippedPS (35kB) * PDF(232kB)

A. Schlögl, K. Lugger and G. Pfurtscheller (1997)
Using Adaptive Autoregressive Parameters for a Brain-Computer-InterfaceExperiment,
Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference if the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society ,vol 19 , pp.1533-1535, 1997
Paper (Postscript) (198kB) * ZippedPS (31kB) * PDF(234kB)

A. Schlögl, B. Schack, G. Florian, K. Lugger, M. Pregenzer and G. Pfurtscheller,
Classification of Single trial EEG: A comparison of different parameters.
in Qualitative and Topological EEG and MEG analysis - Proc.Third Int Hans Berger Congress, eds. H. Witte, U. Zwiener, B. Schack,A. Doering; Druckhaus Mayer, Jena, pp. 266-268, 1996.
Paper(97kB) Poster(347kB)

A. Schlögl, G. Pfurtscheller, B. Schack (1996)
Single-trial EEG analysis using an adaptive autoregressive model.
Proceedings of 4th International Symposiun on Central Nervous Monitoring ,September 5-7, 1996, Gmunden - Austria.
Abstract(23 kB) Paper(99 kB)

A. Schlögl Dynamic spectral analysis based on an Autoregressive Model with time-varying coefficients, Proc.of 17thInt. Conf. IEEE/EMBS, Montreal, vol.2, p.881-2, 1995(a).
Paper(pdf 119kB)

Technical Reports (selected)

A. Schlögl
Comparing the performance of the NaN- toolbox on Matlab and on Octave with OpenMP enabled.
available online at:

A. Schlögl
Results of the BCI-competition 2005 for datasets IIIa and IIIb.
available online at:

A. Schlögl
Evaluation of the dataset III of the BCI-competition 2003.
available online at:

A. Schlögl and G. Pfurtscheller,
EOG and ECG minimization based on regression analysis, Technical Report - SIESTA, 1997.
available online at:

A. Schlögl, O. Filz, H. Ramoser, G. Pfurtscheller,
GDF - A general dataformat for biosignals, Technical Report, 2004.
available at: GDF 1.x (pdf 105k)
A. Schlögl, O. Filz, H. Ramoser, G. Pfurtscheller,
GDF - A general dataformat for biosignals, Technical Report, 1999.
ps(417kB) - - zipped-ps(122kB)
A. Schlögl
GDF - A general dataformat for biosignals, Technical Report.
Version 2.x (2006) available at: GDF 2.0

A. Schlögl Evaluating biomedical data acquisition systems, Technical Report, 2000. [PDF Full-Text]

A. Schlögl, A new linear classification method for an EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface. Technical Report, 2001. [PDF Full-Text]

 Software published on WWW

A. Schlögl,
Contributions to
available online

A. Schlögl,
BIOSIG - an open source software library for biomedical signal processing. 2003-2018.
available online:

A. Schlögl,
Time Series Analysis toolbox for Matlab. 1996-2018
TSA-tb for Matlab

A. Schlögl,
EDF/GDF toolbox for Matlab. Dept. for Medical Informatics,University of Technology, Graz. 1998-2001
EDF-tb for Matlab

A. Schlögl,
Missing values and NaN-toolbox for Matlab. 2000-2018
NaN-tb for Matlab

My projects on Gitlab

My projects on Sourceforge

My projects on Github

Patch to Octave package in Debian - removing strong dependency on Java

Software contributed to publications

David Vandael, Carolina Borges-Merjane, Xiaomin Zhang, Peter Jonas
Short-Term Plasticity at Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapses Is Induced by Natural Activity Patterns and Associated with Vesicle Pool Engram Formation

Presentation, others

EEG Coupling, Granger Causality and Multivariate Autoregressive Models Video Lecture, Berlin, 2007
Software Lizenzierung in der Wissenschaft. Forum IT: Software & Lizenzierung, IMH 2023, 6-7. Sep, 2023, Vienna.

QualityManagement and Control of Biosignals
Artifactprocessing of the EEG
AAR and BCI and single trial EEG analysis
Sleep EEG analysis
Software Lizenzierung